
StyleHint | Privacy Policy

StyleHint (hereinafter referred to as "Service") is a service operated by FAST RETAILING CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "FR") and its subsidiaries and affiliates (together with FR, the "FR Group") that allows people to freely post their dressing styles for other people around the world to view, comment on, and share their dressing styles beyond the framework of FR-developed apparel brands, in order to enable people all over the world to experience the joy, happiness and satisfaction of wearing clothes.

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") describes FR's policy on the handling of information, including Personal Information (as defined in Article 1 below) of posters and viewers of the Service (hereinafter referred to as “users”) obtained by FR through its provision of the Service“”. This Policy applies to all users. Please read this Policy carefully before using the Service. By clicking on the Agree button at the time of registration of the Service or using the Service, the user shall be deemed to have agreed to this Policy.

Article 1 (Definitions)

“Personal Information” refers to personal information that is subject to protection under any data protection legislation, such as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the EU General Data Protection Regulations (Regulation 2016/679), the California Consumer Privacy Act, Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and other applicable data protection laws.

“Data Subject” refers to an individual who is the subject of Personal Information.

Article 2 (Collection of Personal Information)

FR Group will collect Personal Information in a lawful and appropriate manner. When collecting Personal Information, the purpose of use and any joint users of Personal Information shall be clearly indicated so that the Personal Information can be provided at the discretion of the Data Subject. The categories of Personal Information collected by FR Group shall be limited to the extent reasonably necessary in light of the purpose of such collection. In addition, in the event the use of Personal Information exceeds the scope of the purpose of use specified in advance, the FR Group shall notify each Data Subject the new purpose of use and obtain consent based on the new purpose.

Personal Information that must be provided by the Data Subject shall be shown at the time of collection (such as in each entry form). In the event a Data Subject declines to provide the requested Personal Information, the FR Group may not be able to provide all or part of the Services.

Article 3 (Categories to be Collected, Purpose of Use, and Legal Basis for Handling of Personal Information)

The categories and purpose of use of Personal Information that FR Group may request pursuant to the preceding article shall be as set forth in the following table. In addition, the legal grounds for the handling of Personal Information by FR Group shall be as set forth in the following table, in addition to being based on the consent of the Data Subject. A Data Subject may withdraw his/her consent to the handling of Personal Information by the FR Group at any time. However, the withdrawal of such consent shall not affect the legality of the handling of Personal Information prior to the withdrawal of consent.

Categories of personal information that can be collected Collection method Purpose of use Legal grounds for handling
  • ① Information that users provide directly to the FR Group
    1. User ID, password, icons and other account information
    2. Gender, height, and other profile information
    3. Photographs, comments, and other content posted by users
  • ② Information about users' use of the Service
    1. Photo location, file creation date, and other metadata included in the above content
    2. Search key words, actions on posted photographs (for example, clicking, favorites, registering favorites, or sharing with others)
  • ③ Information concerning information communication terminals used by users
    1. Unique identifiers (for example, IDFA・UUID)
    2. Information on characteristics, operation, setting, signals, network connection, etc.
    3. Cookies data
  • ④ Other information that can be obtained by using standard technology on the Internet for the purpose of carrying out analytical work such as trends of users
Collected directly from users
  1. Provision, operation, management, analysis and improvement of the Services
  2. Improving security of the Service
  3. Personal communication such as providing recommendation to users
  4. Presentation of information on FR Group products, services, campaigns, etc.
  5. Advertising activities in various online media, TVCM, magazines, etc.
  6. Advertising activities on websites, apps, official SNS accounts, and other online channels operated by the FR Group, over-the-counter promotional materials, digital signage, and flyers
  7. Investor relations and other public relations activities
  8. Responding to user inquiries
  9. Research and development of new products and services
  1. For the performance of agreements with users regarding the use of the Services
  2. For legitimate purposes(improving the quality of this service, improving customer satisfaction, and various marketing activities)

Article 4 (Safety Management Measures)

FR Group endeavors to ensure that Personal Information is kept accurate and up-to-date, and takes necessary and appropriate security control measures to protect Personal Information from leakage, loss, destruction, damage, tampering, and unauthorized access.

Article 5 (Retention Period of Personal Information)

  1. FR Group will store Personal Information for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of use or for the period necessary to fulfill its obligations under applicable laws and regulations.
  2. In the event that a user withdraws from the use of the Service, the FR Group will delete such user's Personal Information in its possession or control without delay in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, unless such Personal Information is required to be retained by law.
  3. If a user requests deletion, the FR Group will delete the user's Personal Information in its possession or control in the format and on the media reasonably specified by the user without delay, unless such Personal Information is required to be retained by law.
  4. FR Group will delete any inactive account and the Personal Information related to such account two years after the date of final use.
  5. Even when a user's Personal Information is deleted, the FR Group may continue to hold statistical data that does not fall under the category of Personal Information or is generated from such user's Personal Information in a manner that reasonably ensures security within the minimum necessary limits for legitimate business purposes, such as analysis.

Article 6 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)

FR Group will not provide Personal Information to any third party except in the following cases:

  1. With the consent of the Data Subject
  2. When it is necessary for the protection of life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Data Subject
  3. Cases in which the provision of Personal Information is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the sound upbringing of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Data Subject
  4. Cases in which it is necessary to cooperate with a government or public entity, or a person appointed thereby to execute the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and in which obtaining the consent of the Data Subject is likely to hinder the execution of said affairs
  5. In the event that all or part of the handling of Personal Information is entrusted to a third party within the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Use, as stipulated in Article 7.
  6. Cases where Personal Information is transferred relating to a business succession, due to a merger or other reasons
  7. In case of joint use stipulated in Article 8 by notifying the Data Subject in advance of the fact of the joint use, the categories of Personal Information to be shared, the scope of persons to which the Personal Information would be shared to, the purpose of use by the joint users, and the name or title of the person responsible for the management of the Personal Information, or by making said information easily accessible by the Data Subject.
  8. Other cases permitted by law.

Article 7 (Entrustment)

FR Group may entrust the handling of Personal Information, in whole or in part, to a third party to the extent necessary to achieve the Purpose of Use as set forth in Article 3 hereof. FR Group shall select a person who will appropriately handle Personal Information in light of the security control measures taken by said third party. In an outsourcing contract, FR Group shall appropriately stipulate matters concerning the handling of Personal Information, such as safety management, confidentiality, and conditions for re-entrustment. FR Group shall keep track of the handling of Personal Information by the third party and shall implement necessary and appropriate supervision.

Article 8 (Joint/Shared Use)

FR Group conducts its business in an integrated manner. Therefore, FR Group may jointly use the Personal Information stipulated in Article 3 with companies belonging to FR Group within the scope necessary to achieve the stipulated Purpose of Use. In addition, companies belonging to FR Group shall be responsible for handling Personal Information in the event of such joint use, under the supervision of the Information Management Supervisor (FAST RETAILING CO., LTD.’s Chief Security Officer) of the FR Group.

Article 9 (Cross-border Transfer)

In principle, FR Group may transfer Personal Information overseas with the consent of the Data Subject or within the scope necessary to achieve the Purpose of Use stipulated in Article 3, if permitted by law. When transferring Personal Information overseas, FR Group will implement protective measures stipulated in the applicable laws and regulations related to the protection of Personal Information. At the same time, FR Group will ensure that foreign companies to whom Personal Information is transferred shall take measures in compliance with local laws and regulations, including the Japanese Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Transfer of Personal Information to countries/regions other than Japan and EU (excluding countries and regions that have obtained sufficiency certification) will be made by concluding a contract based on the Standard Contract Clause (Standard Contractual Clauses) stipulated by the European Commission. For more information on cross border transfer, please contact the contact point referred to in Article 11.

Article 10 (Rights of Data Subjects)

Data Subjects have the following rights with respect to his or her Personal Information.

  1. Access rights
    A Data Subject may request a copy of his/her own Personal Information, and may confirm with the FR Group whether or not his/her Personal Information is handled by the FR Group legally and appropriately in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
  2. Right to correct or delete
    A Data Subject may request correction or deletion of incomplete or inaccurate data from his/her Personal Information. In this case, FR Group may confirm the authenticity of the new Personal Information provided by the Data Subject.
  3. Right to restrict the handling of Personal Information
    A Data Subject may restrict the handling of his/her own Personal Information in any of the following cases:
    1. In the event a Data Subject objects to the accuracy of his/her Personal Information. In this case, the handling of such Personal Information by FR Group is limited to the period during which such accuracy can be verified.
    2. When FR Group handles Personal Information illegally and the Data Subject opposes deletion of his/her Personal Information, and demands restrictions on the handling of Personal Information instead.
    3. When FR Group does not require handling the Personal Information in light of the Purpose of Use, but it is necessary for the Data Subject to participate in litigation; such as to raise a claim or defend against a claim.
    4. If Data Subject objects to the handling of his/her Personal Information based on the legitimate interests of FR Group and the legitimate interests of the Data Subject outweigh the legitimate interests of FR Group.
  4. The Right to be Forgotten
    Data Subject may request deletion of Personal Information when Personal Information is no longer necessary in light of the Purpose of Use or when the Data Subject withdraws his/her consent. However, Personal Information may need to be retained continuously for the purpose required by law or for legitimate interests.
  5. Data Portability Rights
    Data Subject may receive his/her Personal Information in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable form. In addition, if the handling of such Personal Information in the FR Group is based on the consent from or a contract with Data Subject and is carried out by automated means, it is possible to request that the Data Subject's Personal Information be transferred to a third party.
  6. Right not to receive automated processing, including profiling
    Data Subject may request not to be subject to a decision based solely on an automated process, including profiling that has legal or other significant impacts. However, this shall not apply when it is necessary to execute or perform a contract between the Data Subject and each of the FR Group Companies or when it is based on the express consent of the Data Subject.
  7. Right to challenge
    Even if the handling of Personal Information by Data Subject is based on the legitimate interests of the FR Group, depending on the circumstances of Data Subject, the Data Subject may lodge an objection to the handling method. In addition, Data Subject may at any time object to the handling of Personal Information for direct marketing purposes (including profiling to the extent related to such direct marketing).
  8. Right to withdraw consent
    Data Subject may withdraw his/her consent to the handling of his/her Personal Information by the FR Group at any time. This withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of the handling of Personal Information prior to the withdrawal of consent of the Data Subject.
  9. Right to file a complaint with the superintendent
    Data Subject may file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority in the country/region that has jurisdiction over the place of residence of the Data Subject, the place of employment of the Data Subject, or the place where the violation occurred, with regard to issues related to the handling of his/her Personal Information. FR Group wishes to have an opportunity to respond before a Data Subject contacts a regulatory body, so we hope that you will be able to contact the contact point as referred to in Article 11 in advance. The FR Group will respond appropriately to customer complaints in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Article 11 (Contact)

For inquiries and complaints about this Policy and the Service, please contact the contact point listed at the end of this Policy separately.

Article 12 (Use of Google Analytics)

Article 13 (California Privacy Rights)

Article 14 (Revision of this policy)

FR Group will endeavor to improve this Policy in response to changes in laws and regulations, social norms, and business needs. With regard to important revisions to this Policy, we will notify customers by posting them on the FAST RETAILING Co., Ltd. website, on-line stores operated by each FR Group company, or by other methods that the FR Group deems appropriate. The revised Policy shall become effective once the FR Group notifies the Data Subject.

Article 15 Language

This Policy was written in Japanese. To the extent that any translated version of this Policy conflicts with the original Japanese version, the Japanese version shall prevail.

Effective :


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